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Friday, September 14, 2012

Last Official Day as a Stay at Home Mommy :(

I'm really sad because today is my last day as a stay at home mama. I start my new job on Monday. I was just starting to get used to this stay at home mom gig. But it will be good for me to get out and work in an office. I don't take enough time for myself. I'm always giving 100% to my family so maybe going back into an office will allow me a little break from everything. I feel guilty leaving Livie though. K didn't go to daycare until 10 months old. My dad will watch Livie 3 days a week and she will go to a daycare the other 2 days. I searched a ton of places and found one that allows me to see her online any time I want. They have 2 cameras in each classroom. The head teacher has been working the infant room in that location for 11 years. Praying everything goes well Monday.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good luck! That's so neat you can go online to see the daycare rooms. I've never heard of that!
