Ugh this is the longest 2WW (2 week wait) ever! That's because it isn't two weeks, it's actually almost a 3 week wait because I did the trigger shot on the day of the surge and then a booster HCG 8 days later. If this were a normal cycle today would be test day but I can't test because I could get a false positive due to the second HCG of 5K I administered last Wed. I am supposed to get blood work on Sun but of course the labs aren't open on Sundays so it will have to wait until Monday. :(
This past weekend was horrible. I had really bad nausea Friday and Saturday and even threw up a couple of times. I can't count this as pregnancy symptoms though because the HCG trigger shot could totally be causing these kind of side effects. I am still getting nausea off and on and have really bad indigestion. If these symptoms begin to disappear as the week progresses then I know it is a BFN (Big Fat Negative).
What an emotional roller coaster I have been on this cycle. I want to remain so hopeful but at the same time I don't want to set myself up for disappointment either. Guess I will just have to wait it out and try to relax. (easier said then done that's for sure!) Praying for a BFP! (Big Fat Positive)
Praying for your BFP too! Hoping the nausea and uncomfy stuff is all for a good reason!